Running PyTorch on ZYNQ Ultrascale+

PyTorch provides libraries which can be used in C++ applications. That is, whatever you do with PyTorch Python libraries, you can also do in your own custom C++ application and link your application with PyTorch libraries. This package provides you with all you need to build and run your C++ application that uses PyTorch on your ZYNQ Ultrascale+ device PS.


Key facts and contents

  • Packaga provides all the ready-to-use PyTorch libraries and build scripts which allow you to use PyTorch routines within your C++ application and run your application on ZYNQ Ultrascale+ PS.

  • You can build your application on your local Linux machine using provided build scripts and then port it into your Zynq Ultrascale+ board.

  • Two Petalinux versions are supported: 2022.2 and 2024.1. Complete set of files, along with very easy to use scripts and instructions are provided.

  • Two PyTorch versions are supported: 1.13 (which can be used with Petalinux 2022.2) and 2.4 (which can be used with Petalinux 2024.1)


Target FPGA families

Any ZYNQ Ultrascale+ devicel. No other requirement is needed.


The package comes with email based support. During your using of the package, whenever you have questions or doubts about the provided contents and examples, you simply write us an email and it will be answered as soon as possible.



Index Package content Price (euros)
1 Pakcage containing all required files and scripts to allow developer to build and run C++ applications with PyTorch provided libraries on ZYNQ Ultrascale+, and support. 990

If you are a student then there exists a 10% discount on the above prices for you.



The license of the package asks the customer (individual, company or research lab) to pay attention that the entire provided content is for customer's own personal educational use only.



Might you have any questions, please kindly look at the contacts menu and write me an email. It will be answered as soon as possible.