1th, July, 2022: Green Electrons to provide AXI DMA and AXI ZYNQ interfaces educational packages to customer based in Germany.
7th, June, 2022: Green Electrons to provide in-person training on Zynq Ultrasclae+ for customer based in USA.
7th, June, 2022: Green Electrons to provide AXI DMA educational package to customer based in Shanghai, China.
23th, May, 2022: Green Electrons to provide AXI DMA educational package to customer based in USA.
10th, May, 2022: Green Electrons to provide PCI express conncectivity educational package to customer based in Wiern, Austria.
8th, May, 2022: Green Electrons to provide various practical design examples for digilent PMODs using Artix 7 boards.
6th, May, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver AXI DMA package to customer based in US.
2nd, May, 2022: An update for RGMII to AXI stream IP is available. It allows the user to configure each RX line delay individually and also force the PHY into 100MBits or loopback.
18th, Apr, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver AXI DMA package to customer based in UK.
15th, Apr, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver AXI DMA package to customer based in India.
13th, Apr, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver AXI DMA package to customer based in South Korea.
30th, Mar, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver PCI Express connectivity package to US based customer.
29th, Mar, 2022: Green Electrons to provide Embedded FPGA design course along with in-person training to UK based customer.
26th, Mar, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver zynq AXI interfaces package along with in-person training to US based customer.
14th, Feb, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver AXI DMA package to customer based in Canada.
06th, Feb, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver an update for AXI DRAM BRAM bridge IP, making it more capable and easier to use.
28th, Jan, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver AXI DMA package to customer based in Italy.
26th, Jan, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver zynq AXI interfaces package to customer based in Germany.
26th, Jan, 2022: Green Electrons to deliver zynq AXI interfaces package to customer based in Germany.
19th, Jan, 2022: Green Electrons to start collaboration with a world well known company on a prototype.
15th, Jan, 2022: Green Electrons to provide AXI DMA package to customer based in Italy.
06th, Jan, 2022: Green Electrons to provide eduational course on creating systems for Xilinx RFSoC for signal processing.
02th, Jan, 2022: Green Electrons to provide its AXI DMA educational package to customer based in Taiwan.
01th, Jan, 2022: Green Electrons finished year 2021, its first half a year of its life with reasoanbly good profit and zero debt. Looking forward 2022.
20th, Dec, 2021: Green Electrons to accept Ethereum and TRON cryptocurries as payment means for its products.
10th, Dec, 2021: Green Electrons to provide AXI DMA, AXI Multi-Channel DMA with SG (PL to PS), Petalinux basics, and Linux kernel level driver development packages to educational institution based in Italy.
7th, Dec, 2021: Green Electrons to provide AXI DMA package to embedded design company based in Poland.
1st, Nov, 2021: Green Electrons to provide complete zynq and zynq ultrascale+ data interfaces, AXI DMA and AXI MCDMA practical educational packages to customer based in Saudi Arabia.
25th, Oct, 2021: Green Electrons to collaborate with US based customer on bringup and testing of zynq ultrascale+ based imaging solutions.
04th, Oct, 2021: Green Electrons website is now certified with an extended validation license.
04th, Oct, 2021: Green Electrons to provide PCI express connectivity using ZYNQ Ultrascale+ and RFSoC to a Boston based customer.
01th, Oct, 2021: Green Electrons to release its first ever quartterly report.
16th, Sep, 2021: Green Electrons to provide the complete ZYNQ data interfaces with in person training to a Boston based customer.
04th, Sep, 2021: Green Electrons to provide AXI DMA and Linux kernel level driver development to a customer active in the area of developing embedded computers.
24th, Aug, 2021: Green Electrons to provide AXI DMA and Linux kernel level driver development to a Polish based company active in the area of developing embedded computers.
20th, Jul, 2021: Green Electrons to provide AXI stream and AXI memory mapped educational packages to California based research center.
20th, May, 2021: Green Electrons PS PL data interfacing practical educational package to help a huge home appliances and industrial equipment producer to learn more about using ZYNQ and ZYNQ Ultrascale+ in their products.
15th, May, 2021: Green Electrons AXI DMA and Linux kernel driver development package to be used by company specialized in design and development of embedded systems.
1st, May, 2021: Green Electrons Versatile Ethernet MAX used as RGMII-to-AXI Stream bridge to be used by a marine company for under water data transfer project.
14th, April, 2021: Green Electrons GmbH came into existance.